Corns and calluses are areas of thick, hardened skin that can develop on the feet as a result of friction or pressure. They are the body's way of trying to protect the skin from further damage, but if left untreated, they can cause pain and discomfort.

Corns are small, round areas of thickened skin that typically develop on the toes. They can be painful when pressure is applied to them and can cause discomfort when wearing shoes. Corns are caused by repeated friction or pressure on the skin, such as from ill-fitting shoes or from a bony prominence on a toe. They can also develop as a result of certain medical conditions, such as hammertoes or bunions.

Calluses, on the other hand, are larger areas of thickened skin that usually develop on the soles of the feet or on the palms of the hands. Unlike corns, they are not typically painful and are often only noticed when they become unsightly. Calluses are caused by repetitive friction or pressure on the skin, such as from standing or walking for long periods of time or from certain types of work or exercise.

To prevent corns and calluses, it is important to wear shoes that fit properly and provide enough room for the toes to move. Avoiding high heels or tight-fitting shoes can also help reduce the risk of developing corns and calluses. In addition, using a pumice stone or other foot file to gently rub away the thickened skin can also be helpful in preventing corns and calluses from forming.
If you already have corns or calluses, it is important to take steps to reduce the friction or pressure that is causing them. This may involve changing your footwear, using padding to cushion the area, or taking other steps to reduce the amount of pressure on the skin. If your corn or callus is causing you pain or discomfort, it is best to see a podiatrist who can help you develop an appropriate treatment plan.
In certain cases, your healthcare provider may recommend medicated creams or pads, or may remove the corn or callus in a procedure. In order to treat the root cause of corns and calluses, the excessive pressure on the foot needs to be offloaded, and here custom made insoles come to rescue. The insoles are designed to support the arch of the foot, redistributing the pressure, and eliminating the source of friction or pressure.

An insole is taken, and moulded according to the foot contour. The region where corn is present is carved out from the insole, so that the pressure on the corn is relieved. Once this is done, the corn dissolves on its own within 15-30 days.