Hallux valgus, also known as bunions, is a bony growth situated on the base of the joint at the big toe. They start to develop when the big toe pushes against the adjacent toe, causing an expansive enlargement of the joint and deviating the big toe toward other toes. Painful bunions and deformities in the foot can occur.
Bunions are painful as well as cosmetically unpleasing. Normally, this makes them a source of discomfort in selecting rightly fitting footwear. As the significant toe shifts toward the other toes, it causes inflammation, redness, and soreness around the affected joint. It may even result in restricted movement in the foot as well as modification of the normal architecture of the foot in some cases. There are various treatment options for bunion; starting from simple non-surgical approaches, like using orthotic inserts, to comfortable footwear and advanced interventional surgical corrections.

What Causes Bunions?
Let’s check out the causes of bunions in detail.
Genetics: Bunions are a direct result of genetic makeup. Those whose parents or grandparents have the condition may inherit it as well.
Poor Fitting Footwear: Tight-fitting, pointy shoes and also high heels have been known to create bunions in people.
Incorrect Foot Shape: Some people have foot shapes and structures that predispose them to bunions. For instance, people with flat feet or low arches are more likely to develop bunions.
Medical Conditions: Conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis increase the chances of developing bunions.
Injury to the Foot: In some cases, trauma or injury to the foot can cause the onset of a bunion. This may be by direct impact or repeated stress to the joint.
Symptoms of Bunions
The symptoms of bunions can vary from person to person, but common signs include:
Bony Lump: A visible bump at the foot of big toe joint
Toe Deviation: Over time, the deviation can also make the big toe point outward further toward the other toes.
Pain: The condition can be painful when wearing tight shoes or applying pressure to the broad side while walking.
Inflammation: The redness, swelling, and tenderness can all appear in the bunion site.
Corns and Calluses: The areas where corns and calluses can appear are the spots of friction or pressure and the areas between the fingers.
Limited mobility: The sign of the greatness of the big toe is indicated by the fact that it could not be bent or flexed back as much/very much with the presence of a bunion.
Foot deformity: A more severe case of bunion formation results in something called foot deformities that may extend to the positions of other toes.
Treatment Options For Bunions
Treatment options include both ways - Non-surgical and Surgical treatments. Let’s check more information in detail.
Non-Surgical Treatments
Changes in footwear: Wearing shoes with a wider toe box and lower heels can help alleviate pressure on the bunion.
Padding and splinting: Pads or splints can aid in cushioning the bunion and align the joint.
Orthotics: Custom-made shoe inserts can provide additional support and help distribute pressure evenly.
Physical therapy: Certain exercises may strengthen and flex the muscles of the toes and foot.
Pain: Over-the-counter pain medications or topical treatments might be prescribed for pain relief.
Surgical Options
Should conservative treatment options have proven fruitless in alleviating the patient's discomforts, surgery will now have to be considered. There are various procedures that can be performed to mend bunion:
Bunionectomy: To remove the bony protrusion and realign the joint.
Osteotomy: Besides cutting and repositioning the bone to align it.
Arthrodesis: Fusing the joint may become necessary in very severe cases.
Resection arthroplasty: Cutting off part of the joint.
Tendon and ligament repair: The tendons and ligaments around the big toe will need some adjustments in some cases.
When to Consult a Doctor for Bunion Treatment in Delhi
At The Rehab Street, our dedication is to provide comprehensive care in addressing the bunion treatment in Delhi. All our healthcare professionals are highly experienced and prepare comprehensive treatment plans to reduce your pain and correct deformity that may be present. Whatever be the discomfort level, from mild to severe foot pain, we would use the most advanced techniques and the latest equipment to give you effective long-lasting relief.