Bunion is a bony lump that forms on the metatarsophalangeal joint where the big toe meets the foot. Bunions progresses slowly over time and gets bigger and sticks out.

Symptoms of bunions
A bulging bony lump can be seen on the big toe joint.
The bony lump might be painful, swollen and inflamed.
Bunions can also restrict the big toe movement.
Causes of bunions
There are many causes that can lead to development of a bunions.
The most prominent of them is genetics. If anyone in the family already has bunion, then there is higher probability that family members might also develop a bunion. After genetics the most common reason behind bunions is wearing a wrong footwear. Footwear that puts a lot of pressure on the toes results in bunions. Wearing footwear with high heels also lead to bunion formation.
Inflammatory arthritis like Rheumatoid arthritis can also lead to bunions.
People having abnormal feet are at higher risk of developing bunions. So, if one has flat feet, treatment for flat feet should be taken to reduce the risk.
Diagnosis of bunions
Bunions can be diagnosed by looking at the foot but in some cases an X-ray might also be required.

To treat bunions, one should start with the conservative line of treatment.
Using bunion special customized footwear
The first step in treating a bunion is wearing a right footwear. The footwear should have a big toe box and should not have high heels. The footwear should provide support to the entire feet along with the bony bump. The footwear should provide proper arch support, and support to metatarsal heads in order to prevent worsening of the bunion.

Using bunion splints
Bunion splint can be used to to control the progression of bunions. The splint supports and holds the metatarsal and arch area of the foot with a tight fitting band. This helps in effectively realigning the toes, and prevents progression of the bunion. Customized footwear are preferred over splints as wearing splints is a hassle compared to wearing a footwear.

Taking care of flat foot
As flat foot may contribute to development of bunions one should start taking treatment for flat foot. Flat foot can cause hypermobility in the first metatarsal head which causes misalignment of the big toe joint. A good footwear or a customized insole is a great help in treating flat foot.
Taking care of arthritis
Arthritis should be managed so that it does not contribute to worsening of the bunion.
If none of the above conservative treatment works, then the doctor might suggest to go for a surgery.
Taking care of painful symptoms
Ice packs and anti-inflammatory medicines helps in treating the swelling and pain associated with the bunion.
Complications in bunions
Bursitis - It is a condition when the small fluid filled sacs called bursae which cushions the bones become inflamed.
Hammer toe - An abnormal bend in the middle joint of the second, third or fourth toe, which makes it look like a hammer.
Metatarsalgia - It is a condition that causes pain and swelling in the ball of the foot.
Arthritis - Arthritis can develop in the big toe joint in some cases of bunions.
